Knowledge and know-how of specialists

Through our branch with production facility in Belgrade, Serbia, we are also active internationally. At the same location is also located the joint partner company with our Chinese partners!

We are also happy to offer your company a presence on the markets of South-East Europe, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece and now also China and the Far East! We are your extended hand for processes and process engineering equipment, systems and plants, machines, as well as software solutions for the mechanical engineering industry, i.e.

Help and identification of potential customers in the sale of your machine or equipment, etc.

Other useful services for foreign companies:

We search for and recommend the best component, assembly, or machine suppliers from the region South-East Europe for your product portfolio in the field of metal processing and electrical engineering-electronics, software and control!

We take over the control of the manufacturing process and quality management of the product before delivery.

Outsourcing of your production to South-East Europe and China, Far East!

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